Weekly News & Homework: September 3rd-7th

I hope you enjoyed the three day weekend with your families! We are looking forward to a short, but busy week in kindergarten! There is a lot of information and I appreciate you taking the time to read. School picture day will be THIS Thursday, September 6th! Be on the look-out for a flyer being sent home soon! We have our September homework assignment due next week! It came home with your child on Friday! (All About Me Circle Map!) Scroll to the bottom of the homework section to find out all of the details about this assignment! :) We will begin our fun apple unit this week. We are learning about apple parts, the life cycle of an apple, and this week we are tasting apples and writing about which apple we like the best. A sign up for apple donations is on ParentSquare if you are able to donate apples for this week. Remember to save the Date for our Parent Workshop next week on Thursday, September 13th from 6:00-7:00 . We will meet in our...