Sight Words

This is our list of ALL sight words we will be learning this year in kindergarten (in the order we will be introducing them). Please check below for tips, games, and more information on our Kindergarten Sight Words!

Sight Word List 

we, can, see, a, is, the, me, or, I, like, my, look, here, this, you, and, it, friend, come, at, said, take, up, an, because, he, she, went, to, play, when, have, be, am, are, little, big, for, boy, girl, has, nice, in, on, go, so, do, by, our, who, thing, think, as, through, around, no, know, about, that, what, was, want, work, all, us, away, just, of, back, please, say, says, should, could, would, walk, talk, one, two, three, four, five, question, from, write, with, saw, each, phone, laugh, enough, tough, people, any, many, but, were, there, where, then, they, them, first, second, third, next, last, over, under, left, right, put, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, goes, does, yes, not, will, earth, world, children, help, start, mother, father, sister, brother, family, aunt, uncle, grandma, grandpa, cousin, his, her, had, get, these, fall, winter, spring, summer, season, that, very, every, grow, down, also, always, above, below, your 

Sight Words (also known as Word Wall Words) are words that your child should know at first sight. We will be introducing 3-5 sight words a week. As a class, we will spell, say, read, find, sing, dance, and write the sight words each week! Then, every Friday, your child will be tested on his/her reading and spelling of the weekly sight words. Phonological and phonemic awareness, spelling patterns, and phonics rules are taught through the sight words every day. This is such an important part of our kindergarten program because students learn to manipulate letters and sounds to create rhymes, blend and segment letters and sounds, and substitute beginning and ending sounds.

How Can You Help At Home?:
Make flashcards for each sight word at home. Have your child read the word, spell the word while they look at the letters (this helps students learn the names of all the letters as well!, and read the word again. Spend approximately 5 minutes each day with this activity - more if you feel your child is struggling. Quiz your child throughout the day on these sight words (for example, if you are driving to school or having dinner as a family, ask your child to spell as many sight words as they can). You can also help your child build new words from these familiar words. For example, if they can read and write CAT, how would they turn CAT into BAT, HAT, RAT, and THAT? These are great quick activities that will help your child grow academically and gain confidence. They are a lot of fun too!


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