Weekly News & Homework: August 27th-31st


We had a great second week of kindergarten! Thank you to our prep parents for starting all of your hard work this week! NEXT WEEK (starting Monday, 8/27) I would like to invite ALL of our classroom volunteers who signed up to come in! :) I am looking forward to having you in the classroom!!!
Monday 11:00- Nicole Beckstrom 
Tuesday 11:00- Amanda Bell and Suzi Cary
Wednesday 11:00- Camie Ferguson
Thursday 11:20-Christine Correa
Friday Morning Prep 8:15- Christine Correa, Janis Coleman, and Ashley Pettit
Fun Friday Centers 11:00- Ashely Pettit, Christine Correa, Brittany Brisbin, Nicole Beckstrom

This is our first week of electives. If your child is staying for electives, they will have lunch on the playground from 12:45-1:15. Electives are from 1:15-1:50 then they will be dismissed on the ramp from their elective teacher. If your child is not staying for an elective, but would still like to stay for lunch, they can join friends on the playground for lunch from 12:45-1:15 and will be dismissed on the ramp at 1:15 by a member of our yard duty staff. 

Save the Date for our Parent Workshop on Thursday, September 13th from 6:00-7:00. We will meet in our classroom and go over all of our kindergarten standards/goals for the year, what they mean, and strategies for how you can help your child with these goals at home. 

There is no school on Monday, September 3rd due to the Labor Day holiday. Enjoy the time off with your families!

Picture Day here at BSC will be Thursday, September 6th. More information will be coming home soon on how to order pictures for your child. 

What Are We Learning This Week?:

Sight Words: I, like, my. 

Letters and sounds: l, k, y, and the long and short vowel sounds a, e, i, o, u, y (the vowel sounds e or i)

Letter Team: sh (like in "she" and "push") and er (like in "her" and "mother") - ask your child to tell you about Mr. er - he is one crazy driver!!!

Word Family: ip - like in dip, ship, rip, sip, tip, etc.

Reading: We will continue to learn that vowels make 2 sounds - a short sound and a long sound. Ask your child to sing you the vowel songs! We are writing and reading a new class book this week titled, "My Five Senses". We will learn all about our five senses as we practice reading our sight words of the week. We will continue non-fiction text and read Scholastic News magazines each Friday. 

Writing: This week, we are continuing to learn how to choose a writing topic (a person, animal, place, or thing!). We are continuing to use an uppercase at the beginning of a sentence, finger spaces between our words, and a period at the end. We are also learning to use our sight words in our sentences and to listen for the sounds in all unknown words using our sound chart.

Math: We are working hard on counting to 30, 50, and 100 and on writing numbers to 15 this week. Have your child practice counting and writing numbers at home! We are also discussing shapes in class. We are still going over our 2D flat shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval, hexagon, rhombus, and trapezoid) and going over the number of sides and vertices that each shape has. We will learn that in kindergarten, we can name shapes, draw shapes, build shapes, and identify the attributes of shapes. When I ask "What is the attribute of a triangle?" I want to hear, "A triangle is a flat 2D shape that has 3 sides and 3 vertices." You can help at home by asking your child shape names and attributes! 

Leadership: We have been having so much fun discussing Growth Mindset and reading our new Class Promise together: 

#1: We are smart! 
#2: We can get it!
#3: We belong here! 
#4: We won't forget it!

This week, we will read a book, "Giraffe's Can't Dance" and then we made a giant poster going over what a fixed mindset vs. a growth mindset looks like. 

Flashcards: Please make flashcards for our sight words (I, like, my), letters/sounds of the week (l, k, y, long and short vowels a, e, i, o, u, y) our letter teams of the week (sh and er) and our word family (ip - tip, lip, chip, etc.) Study these flashcards every day. Have your child read the word, spell the word, read the word. I would suggest making a little flashcard box that you can add to throughout the year and reading through those flashcards a few times a day. Make a game of it. Put the sight word CD on and sing and dance to the sight words. We will have a Reading Test on these sight words each week. We will also have a Sentence Test on our sight words every Friday. A sentence test means we will be asking your child to write a sentence that we give them using our sight words of the week. We will not only be looking for correct spelling of our sight words, but also for an uppercase at the beginning, spaces between words, a proper punctuation at the end. You can prepare your child for their sentence test by having them practice writing the sight words and word family (-ip, such as lip, ship, dip, hip, etc.), and have them practice writing complete sentences in their at-home journal. 

Phonemic Awareness: We will begin playing a few phonemic awareness games in class each day that I'd like for you to also try at home. The beginning sound game: I give the students a word (dog), and have them shout out the first sound they hear (D!). The blending game: I give the students three sounds very slowly (SSSSS-UUUU-NNNN) and they shout out the word it makes (SUN!). The rhyming game: we are trying to make real-word rhymes AND identify the part of the word that rhymes. I will say the word CAT and the students answer (BAT, RAT, HAT - the rhyming part is AT!) 

Reading: Reading at home is SO IMPORTANT! This week, your child started to bring home little books that we have been reading in class to read at home for YOU and to keep in their at home book box! Reading to your child is also important. Children need to hear frequent fluent reading to become a reader themselves. This week, we are going over the Parts of a Book - when reading with your child, have them point out the front cover, back cover, spine, title, author, illustrator, and title page. Part of reading homework is also Smarty Ants. Have your child play Smarty Ants every day on your computer or tablet. 

Writing:  Our writing homework will change throughout the year and may look different for each student since each student may be at a different place developmentally. Practice writing your name with an uppercase letter as the first letter. Practice writing your ABC's both uppercase and lowercase. Take a look at the ABC Writing Assessment that came home last week so you can see what your child needs to practice. You should also practice writing your sight words of the week in a short sentence. We are learning to start our letters at the TOP! 

Math: Practice counting 1-30 or higher. Make number flashcards and have your child identify numbers out of order. Practice number writing - take a look at your child's number writing assessment that came home last week so you can see what needs to be practiced! Practice drawing shapes, identifying shapes, or even creating shapes out of play-dough and sticks. Ask your child to name different attributes of shapes. For example, "What shape has three sides?" or "How many vertices does a rectangle have?" Your child will also be bringing home "Daily Math" practice pages that we do every morning in class. Please take a moment to go over these practice pages to see if there is anything specific your child needs to work on. Math homework every week also includes Dreambox.  Have your child play Dreambox on your computer or tablet every day. You can also find the link for Dreambox on the right side tab of our website. Our school code is X2we/inlandlcs

QR Codes: Our class uses a LOT of QR codes in our learning.  Mrs. Stanley has created many QR code activities for all of our kindergarten students to scan and work on at home. Each week, these will be uploaded on ParentSquare. Please print these pages for your child to work on at home each week. One great idea is to put these pages in sheet protectors and add these pages into a binder for your child to refer to all year long. 


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