Weekly News & Homework: February 10th-14th

Weekly News: February 10-14

I hope you enjoy a relaxing three-day weekend with your families. We have another three day weekend coming up next week, as there is no school on Monday, February 17th. 

We will be celebrating Valentine's Day with fun centers on Friday. Don't forget to bring your valentines and mailboxes! Students will be passing out valentines to their friends during our centers. 

Upcoming Events:  
Monday, February 10: NO SCHOOL 
Friday, February 14: Valentine's Day Centers 
Monday, February 17: NO SCHOOL
March 2-March 6: Dr. Seuss Week (more information coming soon!)
Tuesday, March 17: St. Patrick's Day Centers 
March 23-April 6: SPRING BREAK! 

If you are at the store and think of us, our class needs:
Black Expo Markers

What Are We Learning This Week?:


Letter Team:  We will revisit and focus on all of our "2 Vowels Go Walking" this week. The rule is "when two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking, by saying it's name!" You can help your child with this by making flashcards for AI, EA, OA, OE, and UI. We will work on decoding words with this rule - like RAIN, LEAF, GOAT, TOE, and FRUIT.

We will read many fun books about Valentine's Day. 

Writing:  This week, we will write a special Valentine story about someone that we love. We will also continue working on narrative (stories about our lives) and opinion pieces. We are working hard on going back to reread our stories to make sure they make sense and make sure we have our conventions (period at the end, uppercase at the beginning, and proper spacing). 

This week, we will learn the different ways to make numbers (example: 4 can be 2+2 or 1+3, and 5 can be 3+2 and 4+1, etc.). We will begin learning about number bonds and how two parts make a whole. We will also play some fun addition and subtraction games, and do Valentine's math papers, as we get ready for Valentine's Day. 

Leadership: We will continue to ROAR and discuss what it means to have a growth mindset!

Homework: February 10-14

TURN-IN HOMEWORK IS DUE BY FRIDAY!!! Each student will need to make a Valentine's Day mailbox to hold all of their Valentine's that they will receive on Valentine's Day in class! Your child can make his/her box out of any materials they would like! Some ideas would be to use a Kleenex box, cereal box, a bag, etc. These can be decorated with construction paper, stickers, paint, jewels, etc. Allow them to have fun and be creative in creating their mailbox to express what they like, and let it be a fun activity to do with your child! On Valentine's Day, everyone will be able to set their mailbox up on their desk and we will have time to pass out Valentine's cards. It is always such a fun part of our Valentine's Day celebration! DON'T FORGET YOUR VALENTINE'S CARDS FOR THE FRIENDS IN OUR CLASS, AS WELL!
Flashcards: Don't forget to make new flashcards for each sight word and letter team. New words for this week are: ANY, MANY, BUT, WERE, PEOPLE and we are also studying our two vowels go walking: AI, EA, OA, OE, UI. PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRACTICE ALL OF YOUR OLD FLASHCARDS - ESPECIALLY THOSE YOUR CHILD IS STILL STRUGGLING WITH - ASSESSMENTS AND REPORT CARDS ARE COMING UP!!!! 

Phonemic Awareness: Please work with your child on: rhyming, blending, segmenting, syllables, and beginning/middle/ending sounds. I will begin assessing students on these skills over the next few weeks!

Reading: Continue to practice your fluency passage, your A-Z paper books, your sight word and letter team pages, and your library books. Continue to read TO your child every night, having conversations about the stories you are reading. Continue to log onto Smarty Ants for 10-15 at least a few times a week. 

Writing: With Valentine's Day coming up, part of your writing homework can be to write your friend's names on his or her valentines. Writing names is great writing practice! A list of all the boys and girls in our class was sent home last week! Keep writing each day in your at-home journal. The goal should be three sentences on one topic. 

Math: Keep practicing counting, number recognition, addition and subtraction and place value at home!  Please review your child's Math Facts Tests that come home weekly to reinforce addition and subtraction at home! You can also find these pages uploaded on ParentSquare! 

QR Codes: Download and print the QR Code practice pages on ParentSquare. Work on these pages together.


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