Weekly News & Homework: December 16th-20th

Our Last Week Together in 2019 

We are so excited to perform our play, "The Tale of the Gingerbread Man" on Thursday. There will be a school day performance at 9:15 and an evening performance at 7:00. Please remember to send your child to school on Thursday wearing plain clothing (black pants/leggings with a plain black or white top) and please meet at the church at 6:45 (no earlier, please, we are trying to courteous of others parking!) for our evening performance. 

We will celebrate the holidays together with fun centers on Friday. Do not forget to bring your white elephant $1 gift to school sometime before this day - remember, this is a wrapped gift that could be for a boy or a girl. 

There are no electives this week and no Success Academy. Electives and Success Academy will resume our SECOND week back to school in January.

There is no school for the following two weeks due to Christmas vacation! I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Years and I will see you back at school on Tuesday, January 7th, 2020!

What Are We Learning This Week?:

This week we will have fun and review everything we have learned so far in kindergarten. We will be learning about the different holidays of the season, working on fun Christmas projects, playing fun math games, performing our play, and reading many books about our holiday season. It's going to be a fun week! We are reviewing all of our sight words and letter teams. We will NOT take home our book bags (I will be collecting them ALL on Monday!!), there will be no new sight words, letter teams, fluencies, or leveled readers. Keep reading all of those little paper books at home over the break as well as playing Smarty Ants and Dreambox. 


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