Weekly News & Homework: November 12th-15th

Weekly News: November 12-15

There is no school on Monday, November 11th due to Veteran's Day and no school for students on Monday, November 18th due to parent conferences. I am looking forward to meeting with you all to discuss your child's progress this trimester.

Thank you very much for donating to our Thanksgiving Food Box! What a wonderful way to give during this holiday season :)

A big thanks to all the parents who came out to support our class at the APEX Fun Run! 

Our kindergarten classes will be having a combined Thanksgiving Feast on Friday, November 22nd. We are looking forward to a great, big Thanksgiving celebration together!  We will be making many items for our feast in the classroom together! If you are able to donate items for our feast, we would really appreciate it - please sign up on ParentSquare (coming soon!).  If you would like to come help set up and make this a wonderful Thanksgiving Feast for our kids, you are welcome to join us next Friday at 11:45 for set up.  The feast will begin at 12:15. We need need LOTS of help for set up and tear down and we would also love for you to join us! Thank you in advance!

Mark your calendars now!  We will be having our very own special kindergarten play, "The Tale of the Gingerbread Man" on the evening of Thursday, December 19th. MUCH MORE information to come, but I know December is a busy month and you do not want to miss this, so mark your calendars now! 

Two more weeks to get in your Scholastic Book Order! Don't forget to get your orders in - books make great gifts for the holidays!

What Are We Learning This Week:

Sight Words: AS, NO, KNOW, ABOUT, BY.

Letter Team:  KN (the K is silent, like in KNOW and KNIGHT), and EW (like in NEW and STEW).

Reading: We will continue our leveled reading groups this week. In these groups, students will be working on various reading strategies as we read A-Z leveled books. We will also be reading a fun fluency page. *FLUENCY PAGES WILL NOW BE TESTED EVERY MONDAY, RATHER THAN ON FRIDAYS. We will practice reading this all week to work on fluency. In class, we will also read many books turkeys and pilgrims and Indians, as we prepare for Thanksgiving. 

Writing: We will continue to work on writing personal narrative stories. We are learning to extend our sentences and add details. We will also write about Thanksgiving, Pilgrims and Indians. 

Math: We will work on fun Thanksgiving math games this week. 

Leadership: For the month of November, our whole school will be focusing on the A of ROAR: Act Safely. We will talk about what that means and how we can act safely in the classroom, while walking, and at recess. 

Homework: November 12-15

TURN-IN HOMEWORK FOR NOVEMBER: We have a special turn-in homework assignment for the month of November! Any day this month, your child will need to turn in a collage of what they are thankful for. This can include drawings, photographs, words, magazine cut-outs, etc. They can be displayed on paper, poster board, or however your child would like to create their collage! Allow them to have fun and be creative as you reflect together on things and people that they are thankful for at this wonderful time of year! :)

Flashcards: Make flashcards for our new sight words (AS, NO, KNOW, ABOUT, BY), and letter teams (KN and EW). Study flashcards every day.

Phonemic Awareness: Keep working with your child on skills such as blending, segmenting, rhyming, syllables, and sound switch.  

Reading: In your book bag this week, you will continue to find A-Z Leveled Books that we are reading in our reading groups. You may also find a fluency page. We will practice reading this all week to work on fluency we will be tested on these the following Monday.  You may also find letter team flash cards, letter flash cards, word flashcards, etc. Please practice reading every item each evening for reading homework and please make sure everything comes back to school each day in your child’s book bag. Continue to read TO your child every night, having conversations about the stories you are reading. Continue to log onto Smarty Ants for 10-15 at least a few times a week. 

Writing: Continue to work with your child on the writing goals they need to master. While we ARE all at different writing goals, the in-class expectation is now that each child will write three or more sentences every day. Please reinforce this at home with writing homework.

Math: Continue to play Dreambox for 10-15 minutes each night. Continue to count to 100 every day, practice number flashcards out of order, practice writing your numbers to 30, practice identifying shapes and drawing shapes. Remember to also go over our "Daily Math" practice pages that we do every morning in class - take a moment to go over these practice pages to see if there is anything specific your child needs to work on. 

Our school code for Dreambox is X2we/inlandlcs

QR Codes: Download and print those QR Codes each week from ParentSquare and have your child work on those at home!


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