Weekly News & Homework: October 21st-25th

Weekly News: October 21-28 

This week we will read and learn all about pumpkins. We will learn the life cycle of a pumpkin along with many other pumpkin facts. On Friday we will celebrate with a pumpkin exploration day! Please see Parent Square for sign ups on donations and volunteers!
Next week, we will celebrate Halloween with some fun centers, crafts, games, and caramel apples! A sign-up on Parent Square will be going out soon to donate to help with this special event! :)

Our first trimester Parent Conferences are quickly approaching (November 18-20). Please check the ParentSquare sign up post to choose a time that is best for you. I am looking forward to meeting with all of you to discuss your child's growth in the classroom. Because we only have so much time per conference, I'd like to politely ask that you arrive on time so we can make the most of our time together. If possible, please make other arrangements for your children, as parent conferences are for parents and teachers only. Thank you!

What Are We Learning This Week:

Sight Words: BOY, GIRL, HAS, NICE, WANT. 

Letter Team:  OY/OI (like in BOY, TOY/COIN).

Word Family:  This week we will be making words with the word families -OP (HOP, COP, SHOP) AND -OY (BOY, TOY, JOY).  Please help your child with word families of the week by asking them to create different words with the word families.

Reading: We will read many books about pumpkins and fun stories about Halloween. We will practice all of our reading strategies learned so far. We will continue to read our paper books and books from our class library. Students will continue to work on flashcards, sounds, sight words, and books in their book bags - please remember to bring these every day! 

Writing: This week, we will write facts that we are learning about pumpkins. We will also continue to write personal narrative stories - we are learning to write stories from our lives in three sentences, adding details. 

Math: This week, I will assess each student on counting, numbers, number sense, and shapes. We will also play fun counting and addition games.  Students will continue to work hard on their math goals. 

Leadership: For the month of October, our whole school will be focusing on the O of ROAR: Own Your Actions. We will talk about what that means and how we can own our actions at school. Our goal is to have students take ownership of their own behavior as we all strive to be leaders in our classroom and school.  

Homework: October 21-25

Flashcards: Make flashcards for our new sight words (BOY, GIRL, HAS, NICE, WANT), letter teams (OY and OI), and word family (OP - hop, cop, top, etc)Study these flashcards (and those from previous weeks) every day. WE WILL TEST ON ALL OF OUR SIGHT WORDS LEARNED SO FAR NEXT WEEK! 

Phonemic Awareness: Keep working with your child on skills such as blending, segmenting, rhyming, syllables, and sound switch. There are only two more weeks of our first trimester and I will be assessing students on how much they've grown in each of these skills.  

Reading: Read books and review the sounds from your book bag! Book bags will come home every day and need to be returned every day. Inside of your child's book bag will be a book we are working on in class. This may be a BOB book or paper book or it may be a book chosen from our classroom library. There may also be a page with letters and sounds that your child is still working on. Please have your child read these books (and pages) to you every day.  Continue to read the little paper books that come home to live in your book box at home. Continue to read TO your child every night, having conversations about the stories you are reading. Continue to log onto Smarty Ants for 10-15 at least a few times a week. 

Writing: Practice writing CVC words - give your child a word like MAD, DOG, PET, MUD, DIP, etc. and have them sound out the words, writing each sound. We are practicing this in class and it will be an assessment next week. Practice writing sight words with correct letter formation. Have your child tell you one (or more) sentence(s) about their day and help them to write that in a complete sentence with finger spaces, an uppercase only at the beginning, proper penmanship, and a period at the end.

Math: Continue to play Dreambox for 10-15 minutes each night. Continue to count to 30 (or 50 or 100!) every day, practice number flashcards out of order, practice writing your numbers to 30 or higher, practice identifying shapes and drawing shapes. Remember to also go over our "Daily Math" practice pages that we do every morning in class - take a moment to go over these practice pages to see if there is anything specific your child needs to work on. 

QR Codes: Download and print those QR Codes each week from ParentSquare and have your child work on those at home!


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