Weekly News & Homework: September 16th-20th

Weekly News: September 16-20 

We had so much fun making apple pies! Thank you for all of your donations and a special thank you to all of our fabulous parent helpers
for ALL of your help making our pies! This week we will finish our unit on apples by making applesauce together! YAY!

Our field trip is next WEDNESDAY! On Wednesday the 25t, come to school wearing your ILCS shirt (or any other blue shirt) and some good walking shoes. You do not need to bring folders, book bags, or lunch boxes this day (unless you are staying for electives). We will board the bus around 8:45 and return to school in time for dismissal and electives. Don't forget to return your permission slip and donate on Dollar A Day. Also, if you would like to chaperone, let me know! It is a $12 chaperone fee. We are so excited about our first field trip together! 

What Are We Learning This Week?:

Sight Words: COME, AT, SAID.

Letter Team: CE/CI (we are learning that the letter C can make a soft sound when it is followed by an E or I like in "cent" and "city").  

Word Family: -IN. Please help your child with word families of the week by asking them to create different words with the word family -in (bin, fin, tin, etc.) 

Reading: This week we will learn what "quotations" are. We will read a big book together every day about our silly monster friends and use "quotations" when they say something. We will continue to read books about apples and Johnny Appleseed. Students will continue to read little books in class that include sight words and letter teams. Please keep practicing them at home! 

Writing: We are working hard on our writing goals that we have learned so far: drawing detailed pictures, using our sound chart to help us sound out words, finger spaces, punctuation, neat penmanship, and uppercase at the beginning. Please continue to work with your child on writing every night, reinforcing these strategies at home. 

Math: This week we are working on ways to build shapes and learning a poem to help us remember our 3D shapes. We will continue to practice counting, what number comes before/after, and number writing.

Leadership: For the month of September, our whole school will be focusing on the first R of ROAR: Respect. We will discuss ways that we can respect ourselves, others, and our school. 


Homework: September 16-20

Flashcards: Make flashcards for our new sight words(come, at, said), letter teams (CE and CI), and word family (IN - bin, fin, win). Study these flashcards (and those from previous weeks) every day. 

Phonemic Awareness: Keep working with your child on skills such as blending, segmenting, rhyming, syllables, and sound switch. 

Reading: Continue to read the little paper books that come home to live in your book box at home. If they come home in your child's book bag, they are meant to be practiced and brought back to school. If they come home with a star on the front, they are meant to stay at home in your at-home book box. Continue to read TO your child every night, having conversations about the stories you are reading. 

Play Smarty Ants for 10-15 minutes at least a few times a week. 

Read on RAZ-KIDS. 

Writing:  Keep writing, writing, writing! Write your name (uppercase only at the beginning), write your sight words of the week, practice writing your ABCs, write short sentences, write in the tub with bathtub paint, write words in daddy's shaving cream all over the bathroom mirror - have fun and be creative! Remember, we learn to write by WRITING! 

Math: Count everyday! Practice writing numbers. Make number flashcards and identify numbers out of order. 

Play Dreambox! My hope is that your child is logging onto Dreambox at home and playing for 10-15 minutes at least a few times a week. Our school code for Dreambox is X2we/inlandlcs

QR Codes: Download and print those QR Codes each week from ParentSquare and have your child work on those at home!


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