Weekly News: May 27th-31st

Weekly News: May 27-31

I hope you have a relaxing Memorial Day weekend with your families. Can you believe we only have seven more days of kindergarten?? The students have been working SO HARD learning this year! We will enjoy our last 7 days together doing fun end-of-the-year projects, playing games, reading our favorite books together, and writing about everything we have learned in kindergarten and how much we have grown! We have been having so much fun counting down our last days of kindergarten together! We pop a balloon each day with a fun activity for the day to help us celebrate! 
There will be no more book bags coming home this week. Be sure to check your child's backpack for art projects coming home, Father's Day writing and book, and everything coming off of the walls!

Report cards will be available on the Illuminate Parent Portal on the last day of school. I hope that you continue to read, study those flashcards, write, and practice math over the summer so that you are even more prepared to be a first grader. I also wanted to let you know that Smarty Ants, RAZ-Kids and Dreambox will be available during the summer, so you can continue to enjoy those programs at home!

On Thursday we get to go visit a First Grade class to see what first grade will be like! 

This Friday will be our last "prep" day!! If you would like to come in to help prep crafts/books/activities for next year's kindergarteners, please let me know and come in any time on Friday 5/31! 

End of the Year Events:  

Save these important dates for next week so that you do not miss out: 

Friday, May 31: Banana Split party! We are celebrating all of our math fluency success with an ice cream party! (See sign up on Parent Square)

Monday, June 3:  Pajama Day!  Wear your favorite pajamas to school. We will relax, read, and play games together. 

Tuesday, June 4: BSC Field Day. We are having a school FIELD DAY with all of kindergarten, first and second grades, and TK friends! We will rotate through fun centers outside in the morning. We would love parent helpers on this day! 

Wednesday, June 5: Last Day of Kindergarten Celebration. We will have a very special last day of school KINDERGARTEN CLASSROOM CELEBRATION on this day. We invite you to join us at 11:15 as we sing some special songs, read our last book together as a class, look through our memory books, and watch our "Kindergarten Movie". We will also be having our big end of the school year assembly at 9:00 on this morning, so mark your calendars for a full day of events!!


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