Weekly News: June 3rd-5th

Last Weekly News! 

We have had so much fun together this past week. We have been playing fun games, reading our favorite books, cleaning up our classroom, and working on fun projects. We even visit a first grade classroom and learned what it is going to be like in first grade next year. 

Only 3 more days left! Here is what we'll be doing:

Monday, June 3rd:  Pajama Day!  Wear your favorite pajamas to school. We will have a fun assembly in the morning, then relax and read and play games together. 

Tuesday, June 4th: BSC Field Day. We are having a school FIELD DAY with all of kindergarten, first and second grades, and TK friends! We will rotate through fun centers outside in the morning. Please dress your child in comfortable clothes (they MAY get wet) and comfortable shoes they can run in. You may also want to put sunscreen on your child in the morning because we will be outside for a few hours. Thank you so much for your support! We will also be celebrating all summer birthdays on this day!

Wednesday, June 5th: Last Day of Kindergarten Celebration. We will have a very special last day of school KINDERGARTEN CLASSROOM CELEBRATION on this day. We invite you to join us at 11:15 as we sing some special songs, read our last book together as a class, look through our memory books, receive diplomas, and watch our "Kindergarten Movie". We will also be having our big end of the school year assembly at 9:00 on this morning and I sent out messages this past week if your child will be receiving an award at this assembly.


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