Weekly News & Homework: April 29th-May 3rd

Weekly News: April 29-May 3 We are watching our caterpillars grow and grow! We think they will be in their chrysalis soon! IT'S TIME! Community Service Projects are due and will be presented THESE NEXT TWO WEEKS! Please take some time to work on your presentations so that students are comfortable presenting in front of the class. You may bring your projects to school ANY DAY this week or next week, but p lease make sure projects are turned in NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, May 10th. R emember that your community service project is a required part of our curriculum at Inland Leaders. I am looking forward to seeing all of the projects. Thank you! We are getting ready for our very special Mother's Day celebration on Friday, May 10th from 11:00-12:30 and hope all of you mommies can make it. If all of our mommies could please email me a "Mommy and Me" picture of your child with mommy (email: bbobrink@inlandleaders.com), we are using...