Weekly News & Homework: February 25th-March 1st

Weekly News: February 25-March 1

HAPPY DR. SEUSS WEEK!! This week, we are celebrating Read Across America Week and Dr. Seuss' birthday! It's going to be a fun-filled week with a silly something to wear each day!

On Monday I will be sending home a Reading Log! This can be filled out all week with books your child reads throughout the week. There will be prizes for the students who read the most books!!! We are also participating in a class competition with another kindergarten class to see which class can read the most books in a week!!! It will be a fun week of READING, READING, READING!!! :) 

Silly Sock Day {come to school in your silliest socks!}


Stripes and/or Polka-dots Day


Wacky Hat Wednesday {I can't wait to see all of those wacky hats!}


Rhyme Time Day {dress in rhyme - some examples are: a green queen, a fish with a dish, a cook with a book, etc. Have fun!}


Relax and Read Day {come to school in your PJ's!}

As part of our Read Across America celebration, we are welcoming guest readers into our classroom throughout the week!  We will also be eating Green Eggs and Ham on Friday! Please check parent square if you are able to donate any items or time towards our fun week! 

Continue to work on your community service projects. These will be due the first week of May - They will need to be turned in before May 10th to qualify for the Leadership Banquet. 

The Service Project should include the following: 
1) A Service Log Listing 6 or more hours
2) A Visual Presentation that is Organized and Student Created
3) An Oral Presentation that is clear and well prepared
  1. 4)A Written/Typed Paragraph explaining what you did and what you learned. 

Upcoming Events:  
February 25-March 1: Read Across America Week 
Friday, March 1: Dr. Seuss Day 
Friday, March 15: St. Patrick's Day Centers 
March 18-March 29: SPRING BREAK! 

What Are We Learning This Week?:


Letter Team:  TCH (sounds like CH, like in BATCH, FETCH, ITCH).

Reading: This week, we will welcome guest readers and read lots of Dr. Seuss books.

Writing: This week, we will be learning how to write an opinion piece. We will discuss that writing an opinion is telling "What and Why". For example, "What is your favorite season and why? What is your favorite animal and why?" and so on. 

Math: This week, I will continue to assess students on all the math concepts we have learned so far, including numbers, shapes, measurement, fluency facts through 5, addition and subtraction, decomposing and composing numbers, and base ten place value. We will review everything we have learned in math so far this year and play lots of fun math games!

Leadership: We will continue to ROAR and discuss what it means to have a growth mindset!

Homework: February 25-March 1

Flashcards: Don't forget to make new flashcards for each sight word and letter team. New words for this week are: FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, NEXT, LAST and new letter team: TCH. 

Phonemic Awareness: Please work with your child on: rhyming, blending, segmenting, syllables, and beginning/middle/ending sounds. 

Reading: READING LOGS!!! Fill in all of the books your child is reading throughout the week! These can be library books, books from book bags, books from home, any and all books!!! (If your child is reading chapter books, each chapter can count as a book!) Students will not be bringing home Reading A-Z paper books this week, but they will continue to self-select library books to read and bring home. The students with the most read books during the week on their reading log will receive a prize! Continue to log onto Smarty Ants for 10-15 at least a few times a week. You can also read leveled books on RAZ-Kids and take quizzes on books read.

Writing: Continue to work on your writing goals as you write three to five sentences every day in your at-home journal.  

Math: Continue to practice place value with your child. Continue to play Dreambox for 10-15 minutes each night. Continue to practice your addition and subtraction facts and your number bonds. Count the money in your "bank" each day.

QR Codes: Download and print the QR Code practice pages on ParentSquare. Work on these pages together. 

March Homework Assignment: I wanted to give you a heads up that in the month of March, the homework will be to make/create a Leprechaun Trap so we can set them up in the classroom and try to catch a leprechaun!!! :)


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