Weekly News & Homework: January 28th-February 1st

Weekly News: January 28-February 1

We had so much fun celebrating our 100th Day of School! Thank you for all of the help, donations, and snacks!! I can't believe we are more than half way through our school year together! I am so proud of your children for working so hard and for everything they have learned so far.

This week will be Mrs. Huber's last week with our class! Mrs. Bobrink will be returning next Monday, February 4th!

Our field trip is NEXT Wednesday! We will be going to the Children's Museum of the Desert. Permission Slips for this field trip will be sent home  this week! Please sign and return by next Tuesday at the latest. On Wednesday day, we will be leaving school immediately at 8:15 so we are asking that all students meet at the classroom at 8:00 so we can get ready and load the bus. On this day, please pack your child a lunch in a paper bag.  No lunch boxes please. We will be eating our “sack” lunches at the museum following the tour. Don't forget to wear your ILCS shirt. Thank you to the parents that have emailed me to chaperone. Chaperones can choose to ride or follow the bus and will pay a cash fee of $10.00 the morning of the field trip. We are looking forward to having a great time!  

Upcoming Events:  
Wednesday, February 6: Field Trip to the Children's Museum 
Monday, February 11: NO SCHOOL 
Thursday, February 14: Valentine's Day Centers (more info coming soon)
Monday, February 18: NO SCHOOL

What Are We Learning This Week?:


Letter Team:  QU (we are learning that QU are married because they are always together!) and WR (the W is silent!) 

This week we are reading fiction and non-fiction books all about penguins! 

Writing:  We will continue practicing writing a Step Up to Writing paragraph with a topic sentence, three things about that topic, and a conclusion sentence. 

Math: This week we will finish up our measurement unit. We will also continue to work on addition and subtraction. 
Since we have passed our 100th Day of School, we will start working on place value to the hundreds. We'll be learning that Zero the Hero (I'm sure you heard a lot about him on Friday!) is now our place holder in the tens place. We will discuss how many hundreds, tens, and ones are within a given number and create number sentences to match. You can help at home by asking your child about tens and ones. ("My number is 16, how many tens and ones does that have?" Your child should be able to tell you that it has one ten and six ones, as well as give you the number sentences to match 10+6=16 or 16-10=6.) 

Leadership: We will continue to ROAR and discuss what it means to have a growth mindset!

Homework: January 28-February 1

Flashcards: Make flashcards for our new sight words (QUESTION, WRITE, WITH, SAW, FROM), and letter teams (QU and WR). Study flashcards every day. STUDY OLD FLASHCARDS AS WELL. I WILL BE TESTING STUDENTS ON ALL SIGHT WORDS FROM THE FIRST AND SECOND TRIMESTER IN A COUPLE OF WEEKS!

Phonemic Awareness: Please work with your child on: rhyming, blending, segmenting, syllables, and beginning/middle/ending sounds. 

Reading: Continue to practice your fluency passage, your A-Z paper books, your sight word and letter team pages, and your library books. Continue to read TO your child every night, having conversations about the stories you are reading. Continue to log onto Smarty Ants for 10-15 at least a few times a week.

Writing: Write three to five sentences every day in your at-home journal. 

Math: Discuss place value with your child. Ask them how many tens and ones belong in each number and have them give you the number sentence to go with that number. Example: The number 14 has one ten and four ones. 10+4=14. Play Dreambox for 10-15 minutes each night. Continue to discuss measurement and help your child to measure items at home. Reinforce addition and subtraction math facts through 5. Count the money in your "wallet" each day. Tell addition and subtraction word problems to your children and have them explain to you how they got the answer.

QR Codes: Download and print the QR Code practice pages on ParentSquare. Work on these pages together. There were MANY math practice pages uploaded onto ParentSquare last week - It would be a great idea to print the addition and subtraction pages as well as all the number bonds pages for your child to practice at home each day. Stick these in a page protector and use an expo marker so you can reuse them day after day and not have to print a billion copies :) 


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