Weekly News & Homework: January 21st-25th

Weekly News: January 21-25

There is no school on Monday. Enjoy the three day weekend with your families! 

On FRIDAY, WE ARE CELEBRATING OUR 100TH DAY OF SCHOOL! We will be celebrating with special 100th day Fun Friday Centers!  

For part of our 100th Day Centers, we are in need of many snack items to be shared with the class on Friday. Be sure to check out the sign-up on Parent Square! The students will be sharing these snacks with their classmates to make “100 Day Snack Bags” in celebration of our 100th day!! 

We also have a SPECIAL TURN-IN PROJECT FOR HOMEWORK this week - please read more in our homework section. 

Mrs. Huber has been doing an amazing job with our class and she is loving it! Mrs. Bobrink will be back on Monday, February 4th. 

Don't forget to keep working on those Community Service Projects! Our kindergarten requirement is 6-8 hours of community service. These projects and presentations will be in May. You do not want to wait until the last minute! 

We are getting excited about our field trip coming up on Wednesday, February 6th. We will be going to the Children's Museum of the Desert. It is sure to be an exciting “hands on” experience.  We will be leaving school at 8:15 SHARP and returning by dismissal. Permission slips for our field trip will be coming home as the field trip gets closer. If you are interested in being a chaperone please email me (bbobrink@inlandleaders.com) and let me know BY FRIDAY February 1st, as we need to give our final head count to the museum. Chaperones are welcome to follow us or ride the bus and will need to pay a chaperone fee at the door ($10.00) Please remember that school policy states NO SIBLINGS. Thanks! We are looking forward to a wonderful field trip! Also, if you have not made your Dollar A Day donation for the year, please visit https://inlandleaders.formstack.com/forms/dollar_a_day_test_form. Without donations to Kindergarten Dollar A Day, we are not able to go on field trips, so thank you for all of your support!  

Upcoming Events:  
Monday, January 21: NO SCHOOL
Friday, January 25: 100th DAY OF SCHOOL CELEBRATION
Wednesday, February 6th: Field Trip to the Children's Museum 
Monday, February 11: NO SCHOOL 
Thursday, February 14: Valentine's Day Centers (more info coming soon)
Monday, February 18: NO SCHOOL

What Are We Learning This Week?:


Letter Team:  ONG (like in SONG) and ONK (like in HONK).  

This week we are reading books all about our 100th Day of School! 

Writing:  We have some fun writing assignments this week. We will be writing all about our first 100 days of school, what we would do if we had $100, and what we would look like if we were 100 years old. 

Math: We will continue our unit on measurement. This week we will focus on measuring weight. We will use balancing scales to measure objects that are heavy and light. We will also celebrate our 100th Day of school this week by counting and writing to 100. 

Leadership: We will continue to ROAR and discuss what it means to have a growth mindset!

Homework: January 21-25

Flashcards: Make flashcards for our new sight words (ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE), and letter teams (ONG and ONK). Study flashcards every day.

Phonemic Awareness: Please work with your child on: rhyming, blending, segmenting, syllables, and beginning/middle/ending sounds. 

Reading: Read the A-Z books from your book bag. Read the library book in your book bag. Read your new fluency passage from your book bag. Continue to read the little paper books from your at-home book box. Continue to read TO your child every night, having conversations about the stories you are reading. Continue to log onto Smarty Ants for 10-15 at least a few times a week. 

Writing: Write three to five sentences every day in your at-home journal. 

Math: Play Dreambox for 10-15 minutes each night. Continue to discuss measurement and help your child to measure items at home. Reinforce addition and subtraction math facts through 5. Count the money in your "bank" each day. Tell addition and subtraction word problems to your children and have them explain to you how they got the answer.

QR Codes: Download and print the QR Code practice pages on ParentSquare. Work on these pages together. There were MANY math practice pages uploaded onto ParentSquare last week - It would be a great idea to print the addition and subtraction pages as well as all the number bonds pages for your child to practice at home each day. Stick these in a page protector and use an expo marker so you can reuse them day after day and not have to print a billion copies :) 

SPECIAL TURN-IN PROJECT!!!!!!: We would like our students to practice counting to 100 by collecting 100 items to bring to school. Help them choose something small like 100 buttons, 100 pennies, 100 cotton balls, etc. (See post on Parent Square by Christine!) Be creative! Help them put their collection into a bag with their name on it. We will be doing a fun activity with it for our 100th day!


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