Weekly News & Homework: January 14th-18th

Weekly News: January 14-18

Electives and Success Academy begin again this week. 

Students have been doing such a wonderful job on writing last names! If your child is still struggling with this, please practice at home! You can make it a part of your writing homework.

Our "wallets" have been a big hit in the classroom! Students are excited to "earn money" for making good use of classroom time and for good behavior and hard work throughout the day. On Fridays, they will have the opportunity to visit the classroom store. Students have the opportunity to trade out their money for larger coins (5 pennies for a nickel, etc) and choose to spend money on a prize or save it for a larger prize later. Please continue to count money received everyday and reinforce the responsibility of taking care of banks. Also, if you are able, we'd love more prizes for our "class store"!!! Thank you for your continued support!

A LOOK AHEAD: Our next kindergarten field trip is scheduled for Wednesday, February 6th. We will be going to the Children's Museum of the Desert. It is sure to be an exciting “hands on” experience.  We will be leaving school at 8:15 SHARP and returning by dismissal. Permission slips for our field trip will be coming home as the field trip gets closer. If you are interested in being a chaperone please email me (bbobrink@inlandleaders.com) and let me know BY FRIDAY February 1st, as we need to give our final head count to the museum. Chaperones are welcome to follow us or ride the bus and will need to pay a chaperone fee at the door ($10.00) Please remember that school policy states NO SIBLINGS. Thanks! We are looking forward to a wonderful field trip! 

Upcoming Events:  
Monday, January 21: NO SCHOOL
Friday, January 25: 100th DAY OF SCHOOL CELEBRATION (more info coming soon)
Wednesday, February 6: Field Trip to the Children's Museum (more info coming soon)
Monday, February 11: NO SCHOOL 
Thursday, February 14: Valentine's Day Centers (more info coming soon)
Monday, February 18: NO SCHOOL

What Are We Learning This Week?:


Letter Team: 
 ANG (like in HANG, SANG) and ANK (like in TANK, BANK). 

his week we are studying and reading about Martin Luther King Jr., the Civil Rights Movement, and equality for all people. 

Writing:  We are learning how to write a five sentence paragraph. I have been modeling a structure for paragraph writing called, "Step Up to Writing" for the students. Kindergarten Step Up to Writing is writing a paragraph with a topic sentence, three sentences about that topic, and a conclusion sentence. This week, we will write five sentence step up to writing stories about Martin Luther King Jr. 

Math: We will begin our unit on measurement. This week we will focus on comparing how objects are similar or different, capacity, and other measurement terms.

Leadership: As always, we will continue to ROAR. 

Homework: January 14-18

Flashcards: Make flashcards for our new sight words (WOULD, COULD, SHOULD, WALK, TALK), and letter teams (ANG and ANK). Study flashcards every day.

Phonemic Awareness: Please work with your child on: rhyming, blending, segmenting, syllables, and beginning/middle/ending sounds. 

Reading: Read the Reading A-Z books from your book bag. Read library books in your book bag. Read your new fluency passage from your book bag. Continue to read the little paper books from your at-home book box. Continue to read TO your child every night, having conversations about the stories you are reading. Continue to log onto Smarty Ants for 10-15 at least a few times a week. 

Writing: Write three to five sentences every day in your at-home journal. 

Math: Continue to work on number ID, number writing, counting to 100, and counting forward. Work with your child on addition and subtraction. You will see these tests come home: adding +0, one more, one less, and facts within five and ten. Go over these tests and work on areas where your child may need support. We will begin our Measurement and Data Unit. Measurement and Data in kindergarten is a fancy way of saying measuring, sorting, and graphing. See the picture below to go over our goals for this math unit. We will be learning height, weight, length, width, capacity. You can help your child at home by using Measurement Vocabulary and encourage them to use these words to describe everyday objects. (I can measure my weight with a scale, this cup measures capacity, the height of the chair is 4 books tall, the spoon is shorter than the knife, I can measure a book’s height, weight, and length, etc) You can also help your child at home by asking him or her to sort objects (shapes, colors, utensils, coins, or other every day objects laying around the house). Keep going over those Daily Math worksheets that go home each day to see if your child needs help with a particular skill. Please review your child's Math Facts Tests that come home and reinforce addition, subtraction and number bonds! 

QR Codes: Download and print the QR Code practice pages on ParentSquare. Work on these pages together. 


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