Weekly News & Homework: December 3rd-7th

We are FULL of information this week so please take a moment to read carefully so you don't miss out on anything! Thank you! Next Monday, December 10th is Grandparents Day at ILCS! Our TK through 2nd grade classes will be performing some holiday songs in the sanctuary, then we invite all grandparents back to our classroom to do a special craft together. Times for Grandparents Day TBD so keep checking your ParentSquare emails from the school! Gingerbread Man Information: Details: We will be performing our kindergarten play, "The Tale of the Gingerbread Man" on the evening of Tuesday, December 18th at 6:00. TK will have a small performance at 5:00, then M rs. Bobrink and Mrs. Marion's classes will perform at 6:00 and Mrs. Bess and Mrs. Stanley's classes will perform at 7:00. Because of so much going on this evening and the limited amount of parking, w e are asking you to arrive at the Cub's Den (church sanctuary) at 5:45 to get your costume on ...