Weekly News & Homework: October 8th-12th

Weekly News: October 8-12

This week we will read and learn all about bats. We will explore non-fiction text and write facts that we are learning about bats. 

Our field trip to Greenspot is NEXT WEEK! Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to chaperone. Chaperones may either ride the bus with us or drive separate. Please remember to bring your $8 cash. We will be sending out digital permission slips for the field trip via ParentSquare this week, so keep an eye out for those digital permission slips and complete it as soon as you can! We are also asking for snack donations on the day of our field trip. There will be a ParentSquare post if you would like to donate. 

What Are We Learning This Week?:

Sight Words: WHEN, HAVE, BE, AM, WHAT.

Letter Team:  AW/AU (like in JAW/SAUCE). We will also review the letter team OO, learning that it makes two sounds (like in LOOK and BOO! or ZOO)

Word Family: -OT. Please help your child with word families of the week by asking them to create different words with the word family -OT (for example: COT, JOT, POT, SPOT). 

Reading: We will begin book bags this week. Book bags will come home every day in your child's backpack and need to be returned EVERY DAY. Inside of your child's book bag will be several things we are working on in class. There may be a paper book from our reading group, a fluency passage (the goal is to read this FLUENTLY by the end of the week), a Decodable Book your child is working on, an AR book, or a book chosen from our classroom library. There may also be a baggy of flashcards or a page with letters and sounds that your child is still working on. Please have your child read these books (and pages) to you every day. 
We will read many non-fiction books about bats. We will also work on sounding out CVC words. Students will continue to take home book bags for nightly reading practice. Since book bags are considered daily homework, it is crucial that they are brought back to school every day. 

Writing: This week, we will write non-fiction stories about what we are learning about bats. We will aim to write 3 sentences about bats. 

Math: We will keep working hard on counting goals, number writing goals, and number ID goals. We will continue working on addition and subtraction word problems. 

Leadership: For the month of September, our whole school will be focusing on the O of ROAR: Own Your Actions. We will talk about what that means and how we can own our actions at school. Our goal is to have students take ownership of their own behavior as we all strive to be leaders in our classroom and school. 

Homework: October 8-12

Flashcards: Make flashcards for our new sight words (WHEN, HAVE, BE, AM, WHAT), letter teams (AW/AU and OO), and word family (OT). Study these flashcards (and those from previous weeks) every day.

Phonemic Awareness: Keep working with your child on skills such as blending, segmenting, rhyming, syllables, and sound switch. 

Reading: Book Bags start this week!!!!! Read books and review the sounds from your book bag! Book bags will come home every day and need to be returned every day. Inside of your child's book bag will be a book we are working on in class and a fluency passage (*have your child practice reading their fluency passage EVERY DAY at home! They will be asked to read it to me smoothly/fluently every Monday after a week of practice with it. If they pass, they get a new one!). This may be a paper book or it may be a book chosen from our classroom library. There may also be a page with letters and sounds that your child is still working on. Please have your child read these books (and pages) to you every day.  Continue to read the little paper books that come home to live in your book box at home. Continue to read TO your child every night, having conversations about the stories you are reading. Continue to log onto Smarty Ants for 10-15 at least a few times a week. 

Writing: Our September journals were sent home last week.  Please help your child to work on writing goals every day.

Math: Continue to play Dreambox for 10-15 minutes each night. Continue to count to 30 (or 50 or 100!) every day, practice number flashcards out of order, practice writing your numbers to 20 or higher, practice identifying shapes and drawing shapes. Remember to also go over our "Daily Math" practice pages that we do every morning in class - take a moment to go over these practice pages to see if there is anything specific your child needs to work on. 

Our school code for Dreambox is X2we/inlandlcs

QR Codes: Download and print those QR Codes each week from ParentSquare and have your child work on those at home!


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