Letter Teams
Letter Teams Scroll to the bottom of the page for fun letter team songs! This is our list of ALL letter teams we will be learning this year in kindergarten (in the order we will be introducing them). Please make a flashcard for each letter team and study them every night. Also try to find letter teams in your everyday reading! Letter Team List ee, th, sh, er, ch, oo, wh, ce, ci, ow, ou, ing, ay, aw, au, ar, igh, oy, oi, ur, ir, ge, gi, ink, kn, ew, ed, wor, tion, ck, ang, ank, ong, onk, qu, wr, ph, ai, oa, ea, oe, ui, ey, tch, dge, eigh, ear This is what the letter teams look like in words. This will help with the sounds each letter team makes. ee b ee, s ee th th makes 2 sounds, a soft sound like in tee th and Th ursday and hard sound like in th e and th en sh swoo sh , sh ip, sh e er h er , mark er known as...