
Weekly News: March 16th-20th

Weekly News: March 16-20  We will be celebrating St. Patrick's Day on Tuesday by wearing green, sharing our Leprechaun Traps and having fun St. Patrick's Day centers.   There are no electives and there is no Success Academy this week! This is our last week of school before spring break. We will have NO SCHOOL for the next two weeks. Spring break is a perfect time to work on your Community Service Projects! I hope you have a wonderful two weeks off with your families!  We will see you back on Tuesday, April 7th.  What Are We Learning This Week?: Sight Words:   There will be no new sight words introduced until after Spring Break.  Please take this time to review ALL of our words introduced so far.  Remember, sight words are words that your child should recognize instantly.  These are not words your child should be sounding out!  Please continue to work on these words.  Letter Team:   There will be no new letter teams i...

Weekly News & Homework: March 9th-13th

Weekly News: March 9-13 We had so much fun dressing up and celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday. Thank you for all of your help, time, donations, and to all of our guest readers!  Over the next week, your homework job as a family is to build a tricky leprechaun trap!  We are going to be talking and writing about how we might c atch a leprechaun. You will have the whole weekend and  this week to build your leprechaun trap with your family - be as creative as you can! A good idea is to google or pinterest leprechaun trap examples for lots of fun ideas! THESE TRAPS WILL BE DUE BY ST. PATRICK'S DAY On TUESDAY, MARCH 17TH!  We are hoping to catch a tricky  leprechaun! Second trimester parent conferences are coming up. Conferences for this trimester will be on a NEED ONLY basis. I have already contacted the families that I will be conferencing with. Report cards will be going home on Friday, March 20.  Upcoming Events:  ...

Weekly News & Homework: March 2nd-6th

Weekly News: March 2-6 HAPPY DR. SEUSS WEEK!! This week, we are celebrating Read Across America Week and Dr. Seuss' birthday! It's going to be a fun-filled week with a silly something to wear each day! Monday, March 2:  Rhyming Day {dress in rhyme - some examples are: a green queen, a fish with a dish, a cook with a book, etc. Have fun!} Tuesday, March 3:  Stripes & Polkadots Day {dress up in silly stripes and polkadots!} Wednesday, March 4:  Wacky Hat Wednesday {I can't wait to see all of those wacky hats!} Thursday, March 5:  Silly Sock Day {come to school in your silliest socks!} Friday, March 6:  Relax and Read Day {come to school in your PJs and bring your favorite stuffy and favorite book!} Second trimester parent conferences are coming up. Conferences for this trimester will be on a NEED ONLY basis and will be taking place the last week of school before Spring Break. Report cards will be going home on Friday, Marc...

Weekly News & Homework: February 24th-28th

Weekly News: February 24-28 We've been having a lot of fun learning all about our presidents! This week, we will read and write about Abraham Lincoln as we study his life.  NEXT week (March 2-March 6) we are celebrating Read Across America Week and celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday! As part of our Read Across America celebration, we are welcoming guest readers into our classroom throughout the week! If you or someone you know (grandma, grandpa, neighbor, friend, doctor, librarian, etc!) would like to come and read your favorite story to our kindergarten class, please sign up on ParentSquare! We are excited to welcome one guest reader every day! We will also be celebrating Dr. Seuss next week by dressing up! It's going to be a fun-filled week with a silly something to wear each day! Start planning your silly outfits now!  Monday, March 2:  Rhyming Day {dress in rhyme - some examples are: a green queen, a fish with a dish, a cook with a book, etc. Have fu...

Weekly News & Homework: February 17th-21st

Weekly News: February 17-21 I hope you enjoy another relaxing three-day weekend with your families.  We had a lot of fun celebrating Valentine's Day together on Friday.  For the next two weeks, we will learn all about our presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. We will read and write about these two great presidents as we study their lives.  Continue to work on your community service projects. These will be due the first week of May!   Upcoming Events:    Monday, February 17: NO SCHOOL March 2-March 6: Dr. Seuss Week  Tuesday, March 17: St. Patrick's Day Centers  March 23-April 6: SPRING BREAK!  If you are at the store and think of us, our class needs: Items for our Class Store  Gluesticks  Black Expo Markers What Are We Learning This Week?: Sight Words:   THERE, WHERE, THEY, THEN, THEM . Letter Team:     EY (makes two sounds - EE like in KEY, and AY like in THEY)  Reading...